Old Book Case for iPad

The Old Book case for iPad (aka. Hard Cover Jacket for the iPad) is inspired by old out-of-print hard cover books librarians ruggedized in an attempt to make them last a few years longer. Hand made in New York, the Old Book gets better with age with every scratch it accumulates as it protects your iPad.
Carefully chamfered openings on the frame enclosing the iPad reveals just enough space for the operation of buttons while small enough to prevent accidental depressions while the case is closed.
Openings at the bottom of the case reveals the speaker and conveniently allows the iPad to be connected without having to removing it from the case.
A limited run was available for purchase on Etsy in 2010.
Made with Balsa and Bass Wood, Fiberboard, Neoprene, Cork, and Cloth
... some details...
The Old Book case for iPad (aka. Hard Cover Jacket for the iPad) is inspired by old out-of-print hard cover books librarians ruggedized in an attempt to make them last a few years longer. Hand made in New York, the Old Book gets better with age with every scratch it accumulates as it protects your iPad.
Old Book Case for iPad in a seat pocket of a plane
While traveling, the screen of an iPad is especially vulnerable to objects that may exert uneven presure over the glass. When the case is closed, a three-millimeter-thick hard fiberboard distributes the presure, while a microfiber cloth, backed by a thin layer of foam, sandwiched between the glass and the fiberboard helps keep the screen clean every time the case is opened and closed.
Carefully chamfered openings on the frame enclosing the iPad reveals just enough space for the operation of buttons while small enough to prevent accidental depressions while the case is closed.
Openings at the bottom of the case reveals the speaker and conveniently allows the iPad to be connected without having to removing it from the case.