
Earlier in the fall, a client wanted to replace their stanchions that kept visitors from touching some expensive marble carvings with some thing more minimal and more suitable for their environment. Here are the results!

Hopefully I will have photos of them in its new home soon. The ropes are being fabricated soon.

some exciting days ahead...

I'm so happy to start prototyping and fabricating again spending so much time on business development and building Peliships. Of course business development never ends but I couldn't wait to get building again. As usual, I can't say or show many details at this point. Here is a photo of a bullet I found yesterday in a board of walnut. Kind of makes me wonder where this tree came from. Did it live among deer and hunters?

Here's a video of walnut flakes as I routed. Wish there was a better way to shoot process photos. Google Glass?

nzer922's video on Instagram